Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Professional Skills BMP4001 Module
Academic and Professional Skills BAM4014 Module
Academic Language and Skills 1 EFP3003 Module
Academic Language and Skills 2 EFP3004 Module
Academic Language and Skills 3 EFP3002 Module
Academic Language and Skills 5 EFP4007 Module
Academic Skills and PDP BMP3001 Module
Academic Skills and Professional Development MRS7001 Module
Academic Skills and Professional Practice MBA7068 Module
Academic Skills and Professional Practice MED7008 Module
Academic Skills Mastery MBA7200 Module
Academic Support ASU School
Accountability and Ethical Practice in Health and Social Care HSC4011 Module
Achieving Proficiency in Professional Practice. HLT6097 Module
Actor Performer PFA6102 Module
Acute Illness Management HSC5016 Module
Acute Medicine HLT7089 Module
Acute Medicine HLT6092 Module
Adaptation EST6104 Module
Adaptive Teaching ITE7043 Module
Adult Community Nursing Practice. HLT6120 Module
Advanced Applied Educational Psychology AEP6001 Module
Advanced Audit and Assurance ACC7507 Module
Advanced Clinical Practice in Oncology HLT7148 Module
Advanced Clinical Skills and Procedures NRS6018 Module
Advanced Cloud Penetration Testing and Forensics SEC7002 Module
Advanced Company Law BMP6014 Module
Advanced Computer Aided Engineering MSP7004 Module
Advanced Conceptual Design and Structural Planning CIE6026 Module
Advanced Control Technology EEM7035 Module
Advanced Data Analytics BAM6010 Module
Advanced Database Systems CPU6007 Module
Advanced Databases and Big Data SWE5304 Module
Advanced Diploma in Continuing Professional Development - Preparation of Community Nurse Prescribers (V150) HLT6108 Module
Advanced Engineering Analysis MSP6010 Module
Advanced Engineering Modelling and Analysis MSE7012 Module
Advanced Environment Art GAR5007 Module
Advanced Financial Management ACC7504 Module
Advanced Games Scripting GAD6004 Module
Advanced Legal Practice LAW6038 Module
Advanced Linux CLD5005 Module
Advanced Materials Technology & Practice CIE6023 Module
Advanced Midwifery Skills MDW6002 Module
Advanced Operating Systems SEC5204 Module
Advanced Oral Biomedical Science. DNT6001 DNT6001 Module
Advanced Oral Biomedical Science. DNT6101. DNT6101 Module
Advanced Performance Management ACC7505 Module
Advanced Power System, Control and Electrical Machines EEE7006 Module
Advanced Practice 1 IMJ7001 Module
Advanced Production Engineering EEM7039 Module
Advanced Proficiency in Perioperative Care: Surgery HLT7166 Module
Advanced Programming SWE5201 Module
Advanced Research Analysis and Methods MRS7005 Module
Advanced Research and Study Skills IMJ7002 Module
Advanced Social and Cognitive Neuroscience PSA7015 Module
Advanced Software Engineering SWE7302 Module
Advanced Structural Analysis and Design CIE6018 Module
Advanced Studio Practice in Animation and Illustration ANI6200 Module
Advanced Studio Practice in Graphic Design GRD6101 Module
Advanced Taxation ACC7506 Module
Advanced Technical and Performance Studies PCD6102 Module
Advanced Textiles and Surface Design Practice TSD6101 Module
Advanced VFX for Film and TV VFX6100 Module
Advancing Skills of the Physician Associate and Core Procedures HLT7142 Module
Agile Programming SWE6202 Module
Ambivalent Intimacies: Reading Contemporary British Fiction EST6105 Module
An Introduction to Action Research MWC4006 Module
An Introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing MWC4005 Module
Analogue PTO4204 Module
Anatomy and Physiology BIO4011 Module
Anatomy and Physiology and Medicines Management NRS4012 Module
Anatomy and Physiology and the Foundations of Medicines Management NRS4008 Module
Anatomy and Physiology in Operating Department Practice ODP4002 Module
Anatomy, Musculoskeletal Injury and Assessment PHY4004 Module
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology. HLT7095 Module
Animation and Illustration: Business and Brand ANI6202 Module
Animation Production ANI5201 Module
Application of Core Knowledge and Skills for the Nursing Associate NRS4003 NRS4003 Module
Applications of Counselling Skills PPC6003 Module
Applied Artificial Intelligence AIN7301 Module
Applied Artificial Intelligence DAT7016 Module
Applied Arts: Models and Practitioners ART7004 Module
Applied Business Finance BMP3005 Module
Applied Critical Thinking in Photography PTO6103 Module
Applied Educational Psychology Skills AEP5001 Module
Applied Experience PSC6020 Module
Applied Freshwater Biology and Ecotoxicology BIO6013 Module
Applied Honours Project MWC6002 Module
Applied Legal Practice FLK1 LAW7101 Module
Applied Legal Practice FLK2 LAW7102 Module
Applied Legal Practice SQE2 LAW7103 Module
Applied Machine Learning SWE6302 Module
Applied Physical Activity and Health SDAC5003 Module
Applied Professional Experience and Development STC7107 Module
Applied Psychology PSC4008 Module
Applied Water Engineering CIE6022 Module
Approaches to Drama EST5105 Module
Articulating the Body ECW6001 Module
Arts Management Structures ART7005 Module
Arts, Media and Education AME School
Aspects of Prose Fiction EST5104 Module
Assessing and Managing Symptoms in Palliative and End of Life Care HLT7073 Module
Assessing and Managing Symptoms in Palliative and End of Life Care HLT6080 Module
Assessment in Psychology PSC5014 Module
Assessment, Diagnostics and Treatment Planning for Physician Associates. HLT7098 HLT7098 Module
Assessments, Diagnostics and Treatment Planning for Physician Associates HLT7143 Module
Automobile/Mechanical Design AME5005 Module
Back to the Future ECW6002 Module
Backstage Technical Skills STM4001 Module
Basic Dental Technology Techniques DNT4103 Module
Basic Dental Technology Techniques DNT4003 Module
BC11MPO Test BC11MPO Module
Behaviour and Wellbeing for Teaching and Learning ITE5011 Module
Being a Teacher EDL4007 Module
Bereavement and Loss HLT7115 Module
Bereavement and Loss HLT6099 Module
Biological Basis of Diseases HLT6093 Module
Biomechanics for Human Motion and Performance STC7101 Module
Biomechanics of Strength and Conditioning STC7001 Module
Biomedical Devices and Implants BME7008 Module
Biomedical Engineering Projects and Systems BME4007 Module
Biomedical Science Placement BIO5016 Module
Biopsychosocial formulation and evidence based mental health practice MED7002 Module
Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine BME7009 Module
Blood Science BIO6019 Module
Building Environment CAS4005 Module
Built Environment and Engineering BEE School
Business and Creative Technology BCT School
Business Case Study Analysis BAM5020 Module
Business Environment BMP4003 Module
Business Environment BSU4004 Module
Business Environment BAM4015 Module
Business Ethics Sustainability and CSR MBA7065 Module
Business Growth BSU5005 Module
Business in Engineering EEM7033 Module
Business in Practice BMP3002 Module
Business Law BMP4102 Module
Business Law BMP4002 Module
Business Law BAM4102 Module
Business Management and Career Development BMP5017 Module
Business Management and Career Development BSU5001 Module
Business Management and Career Development BMP5001 Module
Business Planning BAM4017 Module
Business Project BMP6032 Module
Business Project BMP6000 Module
Business Skills Development BSU4006 Module
Business Strategy BAM6013 Module
Campus M Test DEMO1001 Module
Campus M test DUMMYS-F-UOB-XX Module
Care and Support for an Ageing Society HSC5021 Module
Care of the Frail Adult. HLT5022 HLT5022 Module
Care of the Frail Adult. HLT6091 HLT6091 Module
Care of the Surgical Patient HLT5032 Module
CBT Knowledge, Skills and Practice CBT7012 Module
Cellular Pathology BIO5014 Module
Character and World Creation ANI4204 Module
Child Development - 2 EYC5007 Module
Childhood in a Global Context ECS7001 Module
Children and Society EYC5014 Module
Children in the Community EYC5011 Module
Children's Learning and Development PSC6007 Module
Children's Literature EST6107 Module
Choreographic Devices PCD5101 Module
Cinematic Shot Compositing VFX4102 Module
Client Commission TVF5002 Module
Client Commission MED5104 Module
Client Commission DCC5004 Module
Climate Change CIE4017 Module
Clinical Governance and Service Improvement ODP5003 Module
Clinical Immunology BIO6020 Module
Clinical Practice 3 MDW6004 Module
Clinical Practice. SRB6024 Module
Clinical Reasoning and Management in Physiotherapy 1 PHY7103 Module
Clinical Skills for Community and General Practice Nursing Specific (Adult). HLT7153 Module
Clinical Skills for Community and General Practice Nursing Specific (Adult). HLT6119 Module
Clinical Skills for Community and General Practice Nursing Specific (Child). HLT6121. HLT6121 Module
Clinical Skills for Community and General Practice Nursing Specific (Child). HLT7155. HLT7155 Module
Cloud Technologies SWE5308 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies CBT7011 Module
Collaborative Health and Social Care HSC5001 Module
Collaborative Media Project 1 MED4103 Module
Collaborative Production TVF4003 Module
Collaborative Research Project MRS7004 Module
Collaborative working in Health and Social Care HSC5119 Module
Comics and Sequential Art ANI5203 Module
Commercial Dance PCD4104 Module
Communication and ICT HSC4000 Module
Communication Skills CAS4016 Module
Communication Skills BAM3017 Module
Company Law LAW6043 Module
Company Law BMP6029 Module
Company Law BSU6003 Module
Complex Decision-making and Safeguarding SWK5010 Module
Compliance FAM5010 Module
Computer Graphics AIN6302 Module
Computer Science Fundamentals SWE4207 Module
Computer Systems CTF3303 Module
Computer Vision and Deep Learning DAT7001 Module
Computer Vision and Deep Learning AIN7302 Module
Computers in Society CTF3005 Module
Computing Infrastructure SWE4303 Module
Concepting SMU4002 Module
Concepts and Practice PTO6200 Module
Concrete Technology and Practice CIE6006 Module
Conformity and Deviance CMS5007 Module
Consolidation and Display PTO6202 Module
Constructing the Moving Image PTO4102 Module
Constructing the Moving Image PTO_4102 Module
Construction Design Project CBEBMC4101 Module
Construction Management and Digital Skills CIE5014 Module
Construction Technology CBEBMC4102 Module
Consumer Behaviour RBM5002 Module
Contemporary Currents and Practice JRN7002 Module
Contemporary Issues in Marketing RBM4007 Module
Contemporary Issues in Marketing BMP4004 Module
Contemporary Issues in Marketing BSU4003 Module
Contemporary Issues in Sport SDAC5002 Module
Contemporary issues in Youth Work CDW5007 Module
Contemporary issues in youth work CDW5013 Module
Contemporary Issues, Policy and Practice HSC7001 Module
Contemporary Nurse Leadership NRS7107 Module
Contemporary Poetry EST6121 Module
Contemporary Software Engineering Practices SWE7301 Module
Contemporary Software Engineering Practices SWE7101 Module
Contextual Studies in Animation and Illustration ANI4104 Module
Contextual Studies in Graphic Design GRD4104 Module
Contextualising Enquiry HLT7103 Module
Contextualising Theory MED6103 Module
Contract Law LAW4017 Module
Contributing to Integrated Care for People With Complex Needs and Associated Medicines Management NRS5009 Module
Conversion Research Methods PSA7028 Module
Copywriting and Art Direction for Advertising GRD5103 Module
Core Legal Principles LAW3507 Module
Core Techniques PCD4102 Module
Corporate and Social Responsibility ACC7501 Module
Corporate Governance BMP6013 Module
Corporate Governance LAW7028 Module
Corporate Reporting ACC7502 Module
Counselling skills PPC5001 Module
Counselling Skills PSC5010 Module
Creating Content DCC4000 Module
Creating Impact DCC5000 Module
Creating photography PTO4202 Module
Creating Positive Learning Experiences for Children EYC5112 Module
Creative Dissertation EST6122 Module
Creative Industries Practice 2 ART7103 Module
Creative Practice 1 ART7002 Module
Creative Practice 2 ART7003 Module
Creative Project EST6124 Module
Creative Research THT5001 Module
Creative Responses AAD3101 Module
Creative Technologies DCC6001 Module
Creature Concept & Digital Sculpting VFX4101 Module
Criminal Investigation Process: Suspect to Sentence CCJ4005 Module
Criminal Justice: Safeguarding People at Risk CCJ6002 Module
Criminal Law LAW4019 Module
Criminal Law LAW4013 Module
Critical Dialogues EST5101 Module
Critical Leadership and Management in Contemporary Health Care HLT7071 Module
Critical positive psychology PSA7020 Module
Critical Reading ECW4003 Module
Critical Reading and Writing Skills.HSC7002 HSC7002 Module
Critical Reflective Practice SWK6009 Module
Critical Reflective Practice SWK6004 Module
Critical Reflective Practice PCD7002 Module
Critical Understanding of Integrated Health and Social Care. HLT7070 Module
Critical, Cultural and Contextual Studies ANI4201 Module
Critique as Practice FIA6101 Module
Culture and Context ECW5001 Module
Current Debates in Psychology PSA7030 Module
Current Issues and Challenges in Coronial Law CCL7005 Module
Current Topics in Developmental Psychology PSA7023 Module
Current Topics in Psychology PSA7029 Module
Curriculum and Assessment for Teaching and Learning ITE5012 Module
Customer Insights BAM5011 Module
Customer Relationship Management BSU6004 Module
Cyber Consumer and Marketing Analytics DAT7004 Module
Dance Administration and Management PCD7004 Module
Dance Technique 2 PFA5101 Module
Data Mining and Machine Learning DAT7303 Module
Data Science DAT7006 Module
Data Skills BAM3018 Module
Data Structures and Algorithms SWE5102 Module
Database Design and Development CPUBMC4004 Module
Databases SWE4304 Module
Databases SWE4203 Module
Decision making in practice SWK5002 Module
Delivering Quality Improvement in Practice HLT7130 Module
Demo1000 DEMO1000 Module
Dental Materials Science DDT7011 Module
Dental Research Project DDT7013 Module
Dental Technology Dissertation Project. DNT6004 DNT6004 Module
Dental Technology Dissertation Project. DNT6104 DNT6104 Module
Dental Technology Techniques - Fixed Prosthodontics DNT5003 Module
Dental Technology Techniques - Fixed Prosthodontics. DNT5103 Module
Dental Technology Techniques - Orthodontics DNT5005 Module
Dental Technology Techniques - Removable Prosthodontics DNT5104 Module
Dental Technology Techniques for Orthodontics. DNT5105 DNT5105 Module
Dental Technology Techniques for Removable Prosthodontics DNT5004 Module
Design Identity FAS5010 Module
Design Principles GRD4101 Module
Design Studies 1 : Critical Theory into Practice TSD4105 Module
Design Studies 2 : Critical Theory TSD5104 Module
Developing Children's Health and Wellbeing EYC6103 Module
Developing Children’s Health and Wellbeing EYC6003 Module
Developing Clinical Skills HSC5023 Module
Developing Critical Analytical Skills for Leading Health and Social Care HSC7010 Module
Developing Paramedic Clinical Procedure HLT5035 Module
Developing Paramedic Clinical Procedures HLT5041 Module
Developing Paramedic Professional Capabilities HLT5033 Module
Developing Person Centred Communities of Practice NRS7104 Module
Developing Practitioner Skills EYC5010 Module
Developing Professional Practice and Promoting Wellbeing ITE7120 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning (Specialist Module) Part 1 ITE5013 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning (Specialist Module) Part 2 ITE5017 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - English and ESOL Part 1 ITE5015 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - English and ESOL Part 2 ITE7031 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - English and ESOL Part 2 ITE5019 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - Mathematics (Numeracy) Part 1 - MAT ITE7025 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - Mathematics (Numeracy) Part 2 - MAT ITE7029 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning - Teaching Learners with Additional Needs (TLAN) Part 2 - SEN ITE7032 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Mathematics (Numeracy) Part 1 ITE5014 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Mathematics (Numeracy) Part Two - ITE5018 ITE5018 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Teaching Learners with Additional Needs (TLAN) Part 1 - SEN ITE5016 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Teaching Learners with Additional Needs (TLAN) Part 1 - SEN ITE7027 Module
Developing Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Teaching Learners with Additional Needs (TLAN) Part 2 - SEN ITE5020 Module
Developing Self Reflective Practice EYC5006 Module
Developing the Evidence Based Practice Knowledge and Leadership Skills for the Nursing Associate Inform Their Practice. NRS5002 NRS5002 Module
Development and Operations CLD7002 Module
DevOps SWE7303 Module
Digital Applications for Construction Information CBEBMC4105 Module
Digital Approach to Environmental Solutions CIE5013 Module
Digital Business and Data Analytics MBA7064 Module
Digital Cultures MED4105 Module
Digital Cultures DDC4002 Module
Digital Cultures DCC4002 Module
Digital Dental Technology in Practice (Fixed Prosthodontics) DDT7007 Module
Digital Dental Technology in Practice (Implant Prosthodontics / Advanced Techniques) DDT7009 Module
Digital Dental Technology in Practice (Removable Prosthodontics / Orthodontics / Fundamental Procedures) DDT7008 Module
Digital imaging PTO4200 Module
Digital Imaging JRN7100 Module
Digital Methodologies ANI4101 Module
Digital Signal Processing EEE6013 Module
Digital Storytelling DCC5002 Module
Dimensions of Loss Grief and Bereavement HLT6081 Module
Disability Support and Enablement HSC5020 Module
Discovering Silver Darkroom PTO4105 Module
Dissertation CIE6019 Module
Dissertation BMP6025 Module
Dissertation CDW6014 Module
Dissertation HLT6136 Module
Dissertation SCM7006 Module
Dissertation EBU7006 Module
Dissertation BMP6001 Module
Dissertation SWK6003 Module
Dissertation SCM7106 Module
Dissertation MSP7001 Module
Dissertation CCL7008 Module
Dissertation SWK7006 Module
Dissertation MRS7006 Module
Dissertation SWK7011 Module
Dissertation LAW6035 Module
Dissertation ISF7005 Module
Dissertation EYC6006 Module
Dissertation LAW7039 Module
Dissertation EDM7050 Module
Dissertation EDM7070 Module
Dissertation PFA6105 Module
Dissertation ACC7510 Module
Dissertation LAW6039 Module
Dissertation (DAD) AFM7003 Module
Dissertation (DAD) MBA7106 Module
Dissertation and Research Skills EST6123 Module
Dissertation. HSC7006 HSC7006 Module
E Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice BMP6036 Module
E Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice BMP6006 Module
E Commerce and Contemporary Marketing Practice (DAD) BMP6027 Module
E-Business Strategies and Models EBU7004 Module
Early Intervention for Working with Children, Young People and Families HLT6086 Module
Early Intervention for Working with Children, Young People and Families HLT7084 Module
Early Years Curriculum Development ECS7002 Module
Editorial Photography PTO4206 Module
Effective and Autonomous Physiotherapy Practice PHY7006 Module
Effective Midwifery Care and the Skilled Practitioner I MDW4008 Module
Effective Midwifery Care and the Skilled Practitioner III MDW6008 Module
Embedding Paramedic Practical Capabilities HLT6117 Module
Embedding Person Centred Care/Evidence Based Approaches NRS6017 Module
Embedding the Paramedic into Primary and Urgent Care HLT6135 Module
Embedding Woman Centred Care/Evidence Based Project. MDW6001 Module
Emerging Concepts and Challenges in Applied Practice STC7104 Module
Emerging Technologies SWE6206 Module
Emerging Trends TVF6003 Module
Employability SWK7010 Module
Employability SWK6001 Module
Employability SWK7005 Module
Employability Leadership and Organisational Development SWK6008 Module
Employment Practice A DNT4104 Module
Employment Practices (A) - Personal Development Plan. DNT4004 DNT4004 Module
Employment, Enterprise, Entrepreneurship PTO6201 Module
Enabling Healthy Communities CDW5012 Module
End Point Assessment of Clinical Practice HLT7126 Module
Energy and Natural Resources CIE5009 Module
Engineering Applications AME5011 Module
Engineering Design 1 MSP4021 Module
Engineering Environment AME4066 Module
Engineering Environment AME4061 Module
Engineering Materials MSP4026 Module
Engineering Mathematics MSP4017 Module
Engineering Mathematics 1 MSP4022 Module
Engineering Principles 1 AME4067 Module
Engineering Principles 1 MSP4025 Module
Engineering Science 1 MSP4024 Module
Engineering Skills and Practice MSP4020 Module
English Legal System and Foundation Legal Skills LAW4007 Module
Enhancing Clinical Skills, assessing, planning and providing evidence-based care and procedures and interventions NRS5012 Module
Enhancing Communication and Academic Study Skills HSC4009 Module
Enhancing Skills for Professional Nursing Practice NRS6010 Module
Enhancing Skills: Developing Leadership, Knowledge and Evidence Based Practice for the Nursing Associate NRS5010 Module
Enhancing Skills: Developing Leadership, Knowledge and Evidence Based Practice for the Nursing Associate NRS5016 Module
Enterprise and industry in context PTO5103 Module
Enterprise and Opportunity BSU4005 Module
Enterprise Infrastructure SEC5005 Module
Enterprise Innovation and Creativity BMP5019 Module
Enterprise Management for Project Leaders PMR7005 Module
Enterprise, Innovation and Creativity BMP5005 Module
Enterprise, Innovation and Creativity BSU5003 Module
Environmental Media and Pollution CIE4016 Module
Environmental Principles, Practices and Policies CIE4015 Module
Environmental Project Management CIE5012 Module
Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics PUH7002 Module
Equality in Education EDM7063 Module
Equity and Trusts LAW4018 Module
Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics SEC6202 Module
Ethics and Diversity in the Justice System CCJ4003 Module
Ethics, Values and Reflective Practice CDW4014 Module
European Law LAW5021 Module
Evidence PTO5205 Module
Evidenced Based Project Development SRB5016 Module
Evolutionary Psychology PSC6013 Module
Experimental Film Making MED4104 Module
Experiments in Animation ANI4202 Module
Explorations PTO5202 Module
Exploring Psychology PSC4012 Module
Exploring Psychology 1 PSC4004 Module
Exploring Public Health. HLT6084 HLT6084 Module
Exploring storytelling and narrative MED5107 Module
Facilitating Children's Learning. EYC4011 Module
Facilitating Wellbeing MWC6001 Module
Factual Film Making MED5105 Module
Family Law LAW6040 Module
Fashion concepts FAS4008 Module
Fashion Contexts - Critical Theory 1 FAS4007 Module
Fashion Contexts - Research in Context FAS6007 Module
Fashion Contexts 1 PTO4210 Module
Fashion Contexts 2 PTO5210 Module
Fashion Films PTO5208 Module
Fashion Industry: Professional Practice and Placement FAS5102 Module
Fashion Practices - Concept to Collection FAS6008 Module
Fashion Practices 1 FAS4009 Module
Fashion Practices 2 FAS4010 Module
Fashion: Historical and Contemporary Contexts 1 FAS4001 FAS4001 Module
Fashionista PTO4208 Module
Fieldwork Project HLT7105 Module
Film and Television Contexts FFX4000 Module
Film FX Masters Project FFX7004 Module
Finance and Decision Making SCM7005 Module
Finance and Decision Making SCM7105 Module
Finance and Decision Making for Projects PMR7004 Module
Finance for Managers EBU7005 Module
Financial Accounting and the Regulatory Framework BMP6044 Module
Financial Accounting and the Regulatory Framework BMP6018 Module
Financial and Economic Crime LAW7036 Module
Financial Auditing ACC6009 Module
Financial Decision Making in Business BSU4002 Module
Financial Decision Making in Business BAM4013 Module
Financial Management FAM5009 Module
Financial Management FAM5003 Module
Financial Management and Business Practices in Construction CBEBMC4107 Module
Financial Management and Decision Making BMP5006 Module
Financial Management in Organisations ACC6010 Module
Financial Reporting for Business ACC5007 Module
Financial Reporting for Management BMP6042 Module
Financial Reporting for Managment BMP6015 Module
Foundation Commercial Dance PCD3101 Module
Foundation Core Techniques PCD3102 Module
Foundation Principles 1 ATT3033 Module
Foundation Principles 2 ATT3034 Module
Foundation Skills for the Nursing Associate: Caring, Compassionate and Professional Practice NRS4001 Module
Foundations of Maternal Medicine NRS7044 Module
Foundations of Maternal Medicine NRS6015 Module
Foundations of Operating Department Practice ODP4001 Module
Foundations of Positive Psychology PSA7018 Module
Foundations of Sport Therapies, Injury and Exercise SRB3024 Module
From Set to Screen TVF5003 Module
From Story to Screen MED4101 Module
Function of the Human Body in Health and Illness. PHY7002 Module
Fundamental Academic Legal Skills and the English Legal System LAW7027 Module
Fundamentals of Operating Department Practice ODP4003 Module
Fundamentals of Programming CTF3101 Module
Fundamentals of Programming CTF3201 Module
Fundamentals of Systems and Synthetic Biology BME5009 Module
Further Academic Skills BMP3003 Module
Further Academic Skills. PUT3003 Module
Future Directions EST5100 Module
Gender Violence and Society CCJ6006 Module
Geospatial Surveying CIE4021 Module
Geotechnical Engineering CIE6020 Module
Geotechnics and Geo-Mapping CIE5018 Module
Geriatric Medicine HLT7146 Module
Global Community Development, Youth Work and Sustainability. CYS7001 CYS7001 Module
Global Consumer Behaviour BMP6037 Module
Global Healthcare Policy MBA7056 Module
Global Healthcare Practice MBA7057 Module
Global Perspectives in Curriculum EDM7062 Module
Global Public Health and Local Interventions PUH7003 Module
Gothic Narratives EST6103 Module
Governance in Health and Social Care HSC7012 Module
Group Dynamics and Team Working CCJ4004 Module
Group Project CIE6021 Module
Group Work and Informal Education CDW4001 Module
Group Work and Informal Education CDW4012 Module
Health and applied positive psychology interventions. HSC5018 Module
Health and Social Sciences HSS School
Health Informatics DAT7305 Module
Heart Failure HLT7168 Module
Historical Perspectives of Criminal Justice and Academic Development CCJ4001 Module
Histories and Contexts PFA4103 Module
Histories and Contexts 2 PFA5103 Module
Histories, Anxieties and Utopias ECW6004 Module
History and Replication SMU5100 Module
History and Theory 1 FIA4101 Module
History and Theory 2 FIA5103 Module
Honours Project CCJ6003 Module
How Pupils Learn ITE7042 Module
Human Anatomy BIO4008 Module
Human Growth and Development SWK4009 Module
Human Physiology BIO4009 Module
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology of Illness PHY4102 Module
Human Rights Law and Coronial Law CCL7004 Module
Hydrology and Environmental Engineering CIE5017 Module
Illustration Style and Substance ANI5200 Module
Inception to impact: project design, funding and evaluation ART7006 Module
Inclusive Practice. EYC5009 EYC5009 Module
Independent Legal Research Project LAW7033 Module
Individual Employment Law LAW7014 Module
Individual Employment Law LAW7031 Module
Individual Major Project MSE7015 Module
Industry Experience MED6102 Module
Industry in Context PTO4103 Module
Industry work placement MED5109 Module
Infection Control, Prevention and Promoting Safer Surgery HLT4088 HLT4088 Module
Infection Prevention and Control in Operating Department Practice ODP4005 Module
Information and Interpretation AAD3102 Module
Information Security and Risk Management BAM6012 Module
Information Security Management SEC6203 Module
Information Systems and Big Data Analysis BMP4005 Module
Information Systems and Big Data Analysis BMP4016 Module
Information Systems and Big Data Analysis RBM4008 Module
Injury Pathology and Clinical Treatment Skills. PHY5004. PHY5004 Module
Innovation and Entrepreneurship MBA7066 Module
Innovation in Healthcare. HLT6103 HLT6103 Module
Inspiring Learning ITE7044 Module
Institute for Educational Cybernetics IEC School
Institute for Materials Research and Innovation CMR School
Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy BMP6038 Module
Integrated Management Systems EEM7040 Module
Integrated management Systems ENG7001 Module
Integrated Person Centred Practice NRS7101 Module
Intellectual Property Law LAW6048 Module
Intelligent Systems EEM7030 Module
Interdisciplinary BIM Project IDCE6004 Module
Interdisciplinary Methods FIA4105 Module
Interdisciplinary Project CIE6016 Module
Intermediate Electrical Principles and Enabling Power Electronics EEE5013 Module
International Business Administration MBA7201 Module
International Business Law LAW7029 Module
International Communications and Environmental Issues AME7005 Module
International Dispute Resolution LAW7038 Module
International Hospitality Industry in Context IHM4001 Module
International HRM BMP6034 Module
International HRM BMP6003 Module
International HRM (DAD) BMP6026 Module
International Human Resource Management BAM6004 Module
International Human Rights Law LAW6041 Module
International Human Rights Law LAW7030 Module
International MBA Professional Project MBA7207 Module
Introducing Academic Excellence PUT3004 Module
Introducing Clinical Procedures HLT4094 Module
Introducing Paramedic Professional Capabilities HLT4092 Module
Introducing Practical Capabilities HLT4095 Module
Introduction to Academic Skills PUT3001 Module
Introduction to Applied Educational Psychology Concepts AEP4001 Module
Introduction to Biochemistry BIO4007 Module
Introduction to Biomedical Science BIO4012 Module
Introduction to Business Law BAM4011 Module
Introduction to Child Development EYC4008 Module
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy MWC6003 Module
Introduction to Coronial Law CCL7001 Module
Introduction to Counselling Concepts PPC4001 Module
Introduction to Criminology and Social Policy CCJ4002 Module
Introduction to Data Analytics BAM4012 Module
Introduction to Financial Accounting ACC4020 Module
Introduction to Games Programming & Analysis GAP4002 Module
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology and Psychology. HLT4087 HLT4087 Module
Introduction to Human Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology. HLT4091. HLT4091 Module
Introduction to Integration, Public Health and Social Care HLT7069 Module
Introduction to Literature : Text and Context EST4105 Module
Introduction to Literature: Form and Genre EST4104 Module
Introduction to Neuropsychology and Neuroscience PNN4001 Module
Introduction to Principles of Professional Practice. HLT4086. HLT4086 Module
Introduction to Programming CPU4003 Module
Introduction to psychiatry, communication skills, therapeutic relationships and assessment MED7001 Module
Introduction to Research Evidence – Based Practice HSC4010 Module
Introduction to Social Justice, Power, People and Policy CDW4002 Module
Introduction to Social Policy HSC4002 Module
Introduction to Social Work SWK4008 Module
Introduction to Social Work SWK4001 Module
Introduction to Software Development SWE4201 Module
Introduction to Special Effects make Up SMU4004 Module
Introduction to Special Make-up Effects SMU4100 Module
Introduction to Sport in Society SDC3001 Module
Introduction to Studio Practice in Animation and Illustration ANI4105 Module
Introduction to Studio Practice in Graphic Design GRD4105 Module
Introduction to Teaching and Learning ITE5010 Module
Introductory Dental Biomaterials Science DNT4005 Module
Introductory Dental Biomaterials Science DNT4105 Module
Introductory Electrical Principles EEE4017 Module
Introductory Embedded Systems EEE4015 Module
Introductory Engineering Mathematics EEE4016 Module
Introductory Engineering Mathematics EEE4011 Module
Investigative Legal Study LAW5111 Module
Islamic Business Transaction Law ISF7001 Module
Islamic Finance and Investment ISF7002 Module
Islamic Insurance (Takaful) ISI7001 Module
Issues in Enterprise Planning BSU5004 Module
IT for Supply Chain and Project Management SCM7104 Module
Journalism Master's Project JRN7004 Module
Journey to Professionalism PUT3005 Module
Key Studies in Psychology PSY3004 Module
Key Studies in Psychology FND3011 Module
Land Law LAW5022 Module
Land Law LAW5010 Module
Land Law LAW5110 Module
Language and Style ECW4000 Module
Law for Social Work SWK5009 Module
Law for Social Work Practice SWK7008 Module
Law in Context LAW3510 Module
Law of Tort LAW5009 Module
Leadership and Innovation NRS7105 Module
Leadership and Innovation DDT7010 Module
Leadership and Innovation. HSC7005 HSC7005 Module
Leadership and Management MBA7069 Module
Leadership and Management MBA7058 Module
Leadership and Management in Perioperative Practice HLT6113 Module
Leadership and Management in the Early Years EYC6004 Module
Leadership and Organisational Transformation EDM8009 Module
Leadership in Midwifery MDW6003 Module
Leadership Management and Organisational Culture BMP5016 Module
Leadership, Management and Quality in Healthcare NRS6019 Module
Leading and Managing Teams RBM5004 Module
Leading Curriculum Design, Teaching and Learning EDM8010 Module
Leading People HSC7011 Module
Learners with Additional Needs EDL5008 Module
Learning and Development BMP6004 Module
Learning and Development BMP6035 Module
Learning in the Digital Age EYC4010 Module
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Perioperative Practice ODP4004 Module
Legal and Ethical Issues HSC4001 Module
Legal and Regulatory Frameworks CAS4003 Module
Legal Aspects of Business BAM5015 Module
Legal Tech/Fin Tech LAW7037 Module
Linux Essentials CLD4003 Module
Literary Communities ECW5002 Module
Logistics and Operations Management BMP6041 Module
Logistics and Operations Management BMP6012 Module
Logistics and Operations Management (DAD) BMP6028 Module
Logistics Management SCM7102 Module
Logistics Management SCM7002 Module
Lower Limb Anatomy and Musculoskeletal Assessment SRB4111 Module
MAD7001 Critical Reflective Practice MAD7001 Module
Maintenance Asset Management and Property Law FAM6007 Module
Major Project DCC6003 Module
Major Project GAM6002 Module
Major Project AAD6004 Module
Major project THT6101 Module
Major Project MED6101 Module
Major Project PFA6104 Module
Major Project CPU6001 Module
Major Project FIA6104 Module
Major Project GRD6104 Module
Major Project ANI6203 Module
Major Project ECW6000 Module
Major Project TVF6004 Module
Major Project - Final Collection FAS6009 Module
Major Project and Research Skills THT6106 Module
Major Research Project STC7108 Module
Management Systems FAM5011 Module
Managing & Enhancing Nursing Practice for Nurses Trained Outside the UK. NRS6002 NRS6002 Module
Managing Business Performance ACC5008 Module
Managing Complex Care 1 NRS7103 Module
Managing Complex Care 2 NRS7106 Module
Managing Health Through All Stages of Life NRS4013 Module
Managing Risk HLT6104 Module
Managing Risks and Solving Problems PMR7002 Module
Marketing and Operations in the Digital Age MBA7203 Module
Master's Project EEM7041 Module
Master's Project EEM7001 Module
Masters Dissertation ART7010 Module
Masters Dissertation (Part Time) ART7011 Module
Masters Project SEC7001 Module
Masters Project ART7008 Module
Masters Project ART7009 Module
Masters Project: The Company PCD7005 Module
Material Innovation: Concept, Practice and Process TSD5101 Module
Mechanics Materials and Manufacture Processes AME7009 Module
Mechanics of Materials and Machines AME5002 Module
Mechanics of Materials and Machines AME5012 Module
Media and Processes 1 FIA4102 Module
Media and Processes 2 FIA4103 Module
Media Theory Perspectives MED5108 Module
Medical Aspects of Death Investigation CCL7002 Module
Medical Law and Ethics LAW6034 Module
Medical Law and Ethics LAW6044 Module
Medico-Legal Research Methods CCL7007 Module
Mental health and integrated care pathways in various settings MED7004 Module
Mental Health and Well-being. HSC4008 Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing - Children and Young People HSC5118 Module
Mental Health in Practice MWC5001 Module
Mental Health, Law, Ethics and Policy MWC4004 Module
Meteorology ENV7005 Module
Methods of Realisation ANI4200 Module
Microprocessor Based Systems EEM7036 Module
Mindfulness and Equanimity in Practice Striking the Balance Between Compassionate Care for Self and Others HSC5017 Module
Minor Injuries. HLT7158 Module
Minor Injuries. HLT6124 HLT6124 Module
Modelling and Statistics in Environmental Science CIE5010 Module
Modern Applications SWE5205 Module
Modern Operating Systems SEC4204 Module
Molecular and Cellular Biology BIO4010 Module
Molecular and Synthetic Bioengineering. BME6010 BME6010 Module
Monitoring of Mechanical Systems EEM7038 Module
Mooting and Interviewing LAW3508 LAW3508 Module
Motorsport Engineering Applications MSP4027 Module
Motorsport Operations Management MSP7015 Module
MRes Specialism: Critical Insights MRS7002 Module
Multi-professional Support of Learning and Assessment in Practice 15 week taught (Non Credit Bearing). HLT5024 Module
Multidisciplinary End of Life Care HLT6078 Module
Multidisciplinary End of Life Care HLT7072 Module
Musculoskeletal Management SRB4113 Module
Musical Theatre Performer PFA6103 Module
Narrating the Self ECW4004 Module
Narrative Representations of Female Desire EST6108 Module
Negotiated Studies HLT4096 Module
Network Management SEC6206 Module
Networking CPUBMC4002 Module
Neuromuscular Injection Therapy HLT7174 Module
Neuroscience Techniques PNN5001 Module
New Business Creation ENI7001 Module
New Directions in Digital Culture DCC6000 Module
Non-Fiction TVF5004 Module
Nursing in a Global Context NRS7102 Module
Nutrition and Physical Activity in Health and Disease. BIO5013 BIO5013 Module
Object Orientated Games Programming GAP4003 Module
Object Oriented Programming SWE4305 Module
Omni-Channel Retailing Strategies RBM7002 Module
Omni/Multi-Channel Retailing Strategies RBM6011 Module
Operational and Technical Leadership FAM5012 Module
Operations Management SEC6204 Module
Oral Anatomy and Physiology and Basic Dental Appliance Design DNT4102 Module
Oral Anatomy, Physiology and Basic Dental Appliance Design DNT4002 Module
Organisational Behaviour MBA7062 Module
Organisational Leadership in a Global Context MBA7202 Module
Organisational Management in the Coroner's Services CCL7006 Module
Paediatric Community Nursing. HLT6122. HLT6122 Module
Paediatric Community Nursing. HLT7156 HLT7156 Module
Pedagogy and Inclusive Practice ITE7115 Module
People and Performance BMP4006 Module
People and Performance RBM4009 Module
Performing Arts Technique 1 PFA4100 Module
Performing Arts Technique 2 PFA5100 Module
Person centered approaches and Service User involvement in Health and Social Care. HSC7008 HSC7008 Module
Person Centred Health and Social Care HSC5019 Module
Person Centred Practice. PHY7004 PHY7004 Module
Personality and Developmental Psychology PSC5011 Module
Personality and Developmental Psychology PSC5003 Module
Perspectives in Psychology FND3006 Module
Perspectives in Psychology FND3010 Module
Perspectives on Poetry EST5103 Module
Pharmacology in Operating Department Practice ODP5005 Module
Physician Associate Dissertation/Research Project HLT7145 Module
Physiological Principles of Maternity Care I MDW4006 Module
Physiological Principles of Maternity Care II MDW5006 Module
Physiological Principles of maternity care III MDW6006 Module
Physiology of Adaptation for Human Performance STC7102 Module
Physiotherapy Dissertation PHY7008 Module
Physiotherapy Dissertation PHY6005 Module
Pilot Research Module EDU8007 Module
Placement 1: Exploring Practice in a Youth and Community Setting. CDW4009 CDW4009 Module
Placement 1: Exploring Practice in a Youth and/or Community Setting CDW4013 Module
Placement 2: Developing professional practice in a youth and community setting​ CDW5014 Module
Planning Campaigns BAM5012 Module
Policy and Practice in Education EDU8006 Module
Portfolio of Clinical Practice 1 HLT7124 Module
Portfolio of Clinical Practice 2 HLT7125 Module
Positive Classroom Environments ITE7041 Module
Positive Psychology Dissertation PPC7005 Module
Positive Psychology in Practice PSA7019 Module
Postgraduate Engineering Study Skills MSP7010 Module
Postgraduate Research Degree Supervision EDM7065 Module
Practical Digital Marketing BMP3006 Module
Practical Playwriting THT6104 Module
Practice Based Multidisciplinary Team Working MWC5004 Module
Practice Placement 1 SWK5004 Module
Practice Placement 1 SWK5012 Module
Practice Placement 2 SWK7007 Module
Practice Placement 2 SWK6002 Module
Practices of Inquiry EDU8004 Module
Practices within the Penal System CCJ6005 Module
Practicum in Educational Leadership EDM8011 Module
Pre Production Research and Planning MED6100 Module
Pre, Present, Post Photography PTO4201 Module
Pre-sessional Stage A EFP4001 Module
Pre-sessional Stage B EFP4002 Module
Pre-sessional Stage C EFP4003 Module
Pre-sessional Stage D EFP4004 Module
Preparation and Nursing Management for Professional Practice for Nurses Trained Outside the UK. NRS6003 NRS6003 Module
Preparation and Progression AAD3103 Module
Preparation for End Point Assessment ENG7007 Module
Preparation for Placement BIO5015 Module
Preparation for Practice LAW5019 Module
Preparation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) ITE7045 Module
Preparing for Practice and Study Skills DNT4101 Module
Preparing for Practice and Study Skills DNT4001 Module
Preparing for Professional Practice in Graphic Design GRD6103 Module
Principles of Adult Care Home Nursing HLT6123 Module
Principles of Adult Care Home Nursing HLT7157 Module
Principles of Dental Aesthetics and Occlusion. DNT6003 Module
Principles of Dental Aesthetics and Occlusion. DNT6103. DNT6103 Module
Principles of Nursing Associate Practice. NRS4007 NRS4007 Module
Principles of Nursing Practice NRS4004 Module
Principles of Nursing Practice NRS4011 Module
Principles of Physical Activity & Health SDA4003 Module
Principles of Physiotherapy Management 1. PHY5001. PHY5001 Module
Principles of Physiotherapy Management 2 PHY6001 Module
Principles of Research in Healthcare HLT5031 Module
Procurement and Contract Management FAM5008 Module
Procurement and Operations Management SCM7001 Module
Procurement and Operations Management SCM7101 Module
Procurement Management SCM6008 Module
Product Innovation and New Technologies MSE7014 Module
Production Pre Planning and Rehearsal STM4002 Module
Production Skills TVF4001 Module
Production Skills DCC4001 Module
Production Skills 2 DCC5001 Module
Professional Academic Practice in Action EDM7041 Module
Professional Academic Practice in Action EDM7084 Module
Professional Academic Practice in Action (Online) EDM7043 Module
Professional and Academic Research Methods CDW6010 Module
Professional and academic research methods CDW5003 Module
Professional and Academic Skills RBM4006 Module
Professional and Academic Skills Development BSU4001 Module
Professional and Commercial Dance Company (Creative Practice) PCD7003 Module
Professional and Commercial Dance Company (Performance Practice) PCD7001 Module
Professional and Commercial Dance Studies (Industry in Practice) PCD4105 Module
Professional and Commercial Showcase PCD6103 Module
Professional and Commercial Technique and Performance PCD5104 Module
Professional and Personal Development EYC4007 Module
Professional Development Skills BAM3019 Module
Professional Dissertation CDM7003 Module
Professional Experience STC7009 Module
Professional Issues in Computing CPU6000 Module
Professional Performance PFA6101 Module
Professional Photojournalism PTO5206 Module
Professional Portfolio DCC6004 Module
Professional Practice CPUBMC4003 Module
Professional Practice PTO6102 Module
Professional Practice BIO6017 Module
Professional Practice MED6104 Module
Professional Practice FIA6103 Module
Professional Practice (Public Health Nursing). HLT6085 HLT6085 Module
Professional Practice 1 ECW5000 Module
Professional Practice 2 ECW6003 Module
Professional Practice and Agency Showcase PFA6100 Module
Professional Practice and Compassionate Leadership in District Nursing NRS7005 Module
Professional Practice and Self Promotion PCD6101 Module
Professional Practice and Self Promotion for Textiles and Surface Design TSD6103 Module
Professional Practice Research Project NRS7013 Module
Professional Practice Research Project NRS7016 Module
Professional Project MBA7067 Module
Professional Reflective Practice MWC4001 Module
Professional Research Project ITE6003 Module
Professional Skills and Practice MBA7206 Module
Professional Standards and the Commercial Environment LAW6037 Module
Professional Standards and the Commercial Environment LAW5020 Module
Professional Studio Practices TSD5103 Module
Professional Values and Evidenced Based Nursing Skills for Nurses Trained Outside the UK. NRS6001 NRS6001 Module
Professionalism and Quality in the Curriculum ITE6002 Module
Professionalism and Quality in the Specialist Curriculum ITE7005 Module
Professionals in Practice BMP6017 Module
Professionals in Practice BMP6043 Module
Proficiency in Perioperative Care: Anaesthetics HLT6134 Module
Proficiency in Perioperative Care: Anaesthetics HLT6127 Module
Proficiency in Perioperative Care: Surgery HLT6128 Module
Programming and Scripting SEC4201 Module
Programming for Cyber Security SEC5301 Module
Project BIO6016 Module
Project SCM6010 Module
Project and Environmental Management CIE6024 Module
Project Dissertation PMS7003 Module
Project Management BMP5018 Module
Project Management ENG7002 Module
Project Management BMP5004 Module
Project Management EEM7037 Module
Project Management BSU5002 Module
Project Management Principles and Practice PMR7001 Module
Projects and Systems AME4069 Module
Promotion of physical health and wellbeing and evidenced based management MED7003 Module
Props, Models and Moulds MFX4100 Module
Psychological and Social Research: Review, Evaluation and Design PSA7011 Module
Psychological Models and Processes of Anxiety and Depression MWC5003 Module
Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace PSC6026 Module
Psychologically informed physiotherapy PHY7104 Module
Psychology (Conversion) Dissertation PSA7025 Module
Psychology Dissertation PSA7022 Module
Psychology Dissertation PSA7021 Module
Psychology in the Workplace PSC6023 Module
Psychology of Digital Consumer Behaviour BAM6011 Module
Psychology of Mental Health PSC6024 Module
Psychology of Sport and Exercise PSC6025 Module
Public Engagement FIA5101 Module
Public Health and Universal Access to Care II MDW5007 Module
Public Health and Universal Access to Care III MDW6007 Module
Public Health and Universal Access to Care I​ MDW4007 Module
Public International Law LAW7032 Module
Public Law LAW4020 Module
Pursuing Literacy and Numeracy EDL4009 Module
Qualitative Enquiry PSA7013 Module
Quantitative Enquiry 1 PSA7012 Module
Quantitative Enquiry 2 PSA7014 Module
Readiness for Practice SWK4004 Module
Recognising Acute Physical and Mental Health and Illness for Nursing Associate Practice. NRS5008 NRS5008 Module
Recognising and Responding To Acute Physical and Mental Health Illness Across the Lifespan. NRS5001 NRS5001 Module
Recognising and Responding to Complex Physical and Mental Health Illness Across the Lifespan. NRS5003 NRS5003 Module
Rehabilitation: Philosophies and Approaches CCJ6001 Module
Renaissance Drama EST6110 Module
Reporting and Writing News JRN7000 Module
Research and context in photography PTO5104 Module
Research and Professional Issues COM6300 Module
Research and Study Skills EDL4010 Module
Research Design and Methods MRS7003 Module
Research in Nursing NRS7003 Module
Research into Practice ANI6201 Module
Research Methodologies EDU8005 Module
Research Methodology DNT5101 Module
Research Methodology DDT7012 Module
Research Methods COM7302 Module
Research Methods PMS7002 Module
Research Methods EYC6005 Module
Research Methods SCM7108 Module
Research Methods and Academic Skills (DAD) MBA7101 Module
Research Methods and Skills in Law LAW7041 Module
Research Methods for Accountants ACC7508 Module
Research Methods for Counselling and Coaching PPC7002 Module
Research Methods for Social Work Professionals SWK5005 Module
Research Methods for Social Work Professionals SWK5013 Module
Research Methods in Social Science FND3009 Module
Research Methods Informing Applied Practice STC7105 Module
Research Project BSU6001 Module
Research Science BIO5011 BIO5011 Module
Research Science in Practice. BIO2012 BIO5012 Module
Research Skills BAM3020 Module
Research Skills and Methods ENV7000 Module
Response to Text FIA5104 Module
Retail Business Law RBM4003 Module
Retail Business Project RBM5101 Module
Retail Management BMP6009 Module
Retail Management and Career Development RBM5001 Module
Retail Operations RBM5003 Module
Retail Work Based Project (CMDA Pathway) RBM6010 Module
Safeguarding MWC5005 Module
Safeguarding Children EYC5008 Module
Safeguarding Children, Young People and Families HLT7085 Module
Scholarship EST4100 Module
Scientific Analysis & Data Enquiry STC7005 Module
Screen Culture : Reading the Screen MED4100 Module
Screen Industries: Employment and Progression TVF6001 Module
Scripting GAD4001 Module
Secondary QTS Computing ITE7040 Module
Secondary QTS English ITE7060 Module
Secondary QTS Modern Foreign Languages ITE7050 Module
Security CPUBMC4005 Module
Self-reflection and Self-presentation FND3012 Module
Self-reflection and self-presentation FND3008 Module
Shoot Studio PTO4209 Module
Short-form Commission MED6106 Module
Smart Engineering Systems MSE7013 Module
Social Neuroscience Techniques PSA7016 Module
Social Pedagogical Approaches to Community Based Learning and Development CYS7002 Module
Social Policy for Early Years EYC4009 Module
Social Work Law SWK5001 Module
Social Work Perspectives in Mental Health SWK5003 Module
Social Work with Children, Families and Adults SWK7009 Module
Social, Cultural and Historical Contexts of Coronial Law CCL7003 Module
Soft Tissue and Joint Injection Therapy HLT7175 Module
Software Engineering CPU6008 Module
Software Engineering SWE5203 Module
Software Quality Management SWE6205 Module
Solutions Design and Ethical Practice CDM7102 Module
Solutions Driven Design and Practice CDM7002 Module
Sound and Vision: Production Skills 1 MED4102 Module
Sound and Vision: Production Skills 2 MED5101 Module
Specialised Dental Technology Discipline DNT6102 Module
Specialised Dental Technology Discipline. DNT6002 Module
Specialist Project AAD3104 Module
Sports and Action Photography PTO4207 Module
Sports Law LAW6042 Module
Stage C for IFP and Pre-masters EFP4005 Module
Stage D for IFP and Pre-masters EFP4006 Module
Stories and Narrative EST4102 Module
Story to Screen TVF4002 Module
Strategic Business Leader ACC7530 Module
Strategic Business Reporting ACC7520 Module
Strategic Financial Management and Corporate Governance MBA7205 Module
Strategic HRM MBA7063 Module
Strategic Information Management BMP6039 Module
Strategic Information Management BMP6010 Module
Strategic Leadership SCM7103 Module
Strategic Management BMP6002 Module
Strategic Management BSU6002 Module
Strategic Management BMP6033 Module
Strategic Management (DAD) BMP6024 Module
Strategic Management and International Competition MBA7204 Module
Strategic Management and Leadership ISF7003 Module
Strategic Retail Management RBM6002 Module
Strategies for Quality Management in Projects PMR7003 Module
Street and Studio PTO5207 Module
Street Law - A Law Clinic Module LAW6036 Module
Studio Practice DCC6002 Module
Studio Practice 1 FIA4104 Module
Studio Practice 2 FIA5102 Module
Studio Practice 3 FIA6102 Module
Studio Practice in Graphic Design for Print GRD5101 Module
Studio Practice in Graphic Design for Screen GRD5102 Module
Studio Practice: Concept, Design and Realisation TSD5102 Module
Study Skills for Masters Programme SCM7009 Module
Study Skills for Masters Programme SCM7109 Module
Study Skills for Masters Programmes PMS7001 Module
Subject and Curriculum Knowledge (Computing) ITE7046 Module
Subject and Curriculum Knowledge (English) ITE7049 Module
Subject and Curriculum Knowledge (Maths) ITE7047 Module
Subject and Curriculum Knowledge (Modern Foreign Languages) ITE7048 Module
Subject Specialist Teaching Part 1 ITE7035 Module
Subject Specialist Teaching Part 1 ITE5023 Module
Supervised Counselling Practice 1 PPC7003 Module
Supervising Research EDU7003 Module
Supply Chain Management BMP6011 Module
Supply Chain Management BMP6040 Module
Supply Chain Strategy SCM7100 Module
Sustainability and Business Ethics BSU6005 Module
Sustainability in Business Operations SCM7107 Module
Sustainable Business Growth and Development ENI7002 Module
Sustainable Construction and Materials 1 CIE4019 Module
Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy SCM6007 Module
Sustainable Technology and Product Innovation IDCE6003 Module
Synoptic Project SWE6201 Module
System Analysis & Design SWE5306 Module
Systems Design CTF3007 Module
Taxation for Business ACC5009 Module
Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher and Professional Education (Online version) EDM7042 Module
Technical Publications and Presentations EEM7034 Module
Technical Training for Strength and Conditioning STC7106 Module
Technology in Practice DTS4302 Module
Technology in the Retail Industry RBM7001 Module
Technology Mathematics MSP4023 Module
The Arts and Cultural Landscape ART7000 Module
The Client Brief FAS5009 Module
The Complexities of the UK Health and Social Care Environment NRS7018 Module
The Construction Environment CBEBMC4103 Module
The Creative Studio PTO5203 Module
The Creative Studio PTO5101 Module
The Fashion Industry FAS5002 Module
The Fashion Industry - Preparation for Placement FAS5008 Module
The Impact of Social Policy in Health and Social Care HSC4012 Module
The literature of love EST5102 Module
The Midwife as a Professional and Scholar II MDW5005 Module
The Midwife as a Professional and Scholar III MDW6005 Module
The Midwife as a Scholar 1​ MDW4005 Module
The Photo Story PTO5201 Module
The Photographic Industry PTO5204 Module
The Production Company TVF5001 Module
The Professional Author EST6115 Module
The Professional Practitioner ART7001 Module
The Professional Studio PTO5105 Module
The UK Retail Industry RBM4002 Module
The World of Work BMP3004 Module
The Writer's World EST6114 Module
The Writers' Room: Drama EST6111 Module
The Writers' Room: Fiction EST6112 Module
The Writers' Room: Poetry EST6113 Module
Theories and Approaches to Learning in the Early Years EYC6002 Module
Theories of Action in Teaching and Learning in Primary, Secondary and Further Education EDM7068 Module
Theory and Context in Graphic Design GRD5104 Module
Theory into Practice GRD6102 Module
Theory into Practice ANI5202 Module
Theory of Risk Assessment ENV7002 Module
Therapeutic Counselling PPC7001 Module
Thermofluids MSP4010 Module
Thinking with Type GRD4102 Module
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. BIO6014 Module
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine DDT7006 Module
Training Methods and Applied Interdisciplinary Practice STC7103 Module
Transition and Embedding Professional Nursing Practice. HLT7067 Module
Transition to Professional Practice in Physiotherapy PHY7101 Module
Trending PTO5209 Module
Trends, Data, Strategy DCC5003 Module
Undergraduate Major Project BAM6020 Module
Undergraduate project SEC6201 Module
Undergraduate Project COM6301 Module
Understanding and Working with Alcohol and Substance Misuse. HSC5117. HSC5117 Module
Understanding the Business Environment BMP4105 Module
Understanding the Person PSC4009 Module
Using Evidence HSC4103 Module
Using Evidence HSC4003 Module
Using Research: Evidence Based Practice CCJ4006 Module
Vehicle Performance MSP5010 Module
VFX Integrated Shot Production VFX5100 Module
Video Documentary PTO5200 Module
Virtual Victorians EST6106 Module
Visual Journalism Practice JRN7001 Module
Visual Storytelling ANI4102 Module
Visual Storytelling Portfolio JRN7003 Module
Visual Thinking GRD4103 Module
Web and Systems Based Programming CPU6003 Module
Web Application and Systems Project Development CPU6013 Module
Wider Approaches to Global Health NRS5004 Module
Wider Approaches to Global Health NRS5011 Module
Wider Approaches to Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health. NRS4009 Module
Work and the Employment Relationship BMP6005 Module
Work Based Masters Project PHY7007 Module
Work based Portfolio and PDP 1 CIE4013 Module
Work Experience and Applied Research SDAC5001 Module
Work Experience. EYC4012 Module
Work-based Portfolio and PDP 3 EEM7103 Module
Work-based Project and EPA FAM6008 Module
Working with Adults SWK4011 Module
Working with Children and Families SWK4005 Module
Working with Children and Families SWK4010 Module
Working with Older People HSC5007 Module
Working with People and Groups in Communities CDW4004 Module
Working Within the Allied Health Profession HSC5022 Module
Workshop Skills MCX4001 Module
Writing Drama EST4107 Module
Writing Drama: The Turn of the Story EST5106 Module
Writing Fact and Fiction for the Screen MED5106 Module
Writing Fiction: The Character of the Writing EST5107 Module
Writing for Digital Media DCC4003 Module
Writing for Publication ECW4002 Module
Writing for Publication EST5109 Module
Writing for Short Form Media MED4107 Module
Writing for Social Change ECW5003 Module
Writing Poetry and Fiction EST4106 Module
Writing the Fantastic ECW5004 Module
Writing the North ECW4001 Module
Young Life and the Mind PSC6027 Module
Youth Work, Policy and Practice CDW4010 Module
Youth Work, Policy and Practice. CDW4005 Module
​Foundations of Professional Clinical Practice and Core Procedures​ HLT7141 Module
​​Advanced Proficiency in Perioperative Care: Anaesthetics HLT7165 Module
​​Community Living: Housing and Homelessness CDW6011 Module
​​Developing Anaesthetic & Surgical Practice​ ODP5001 Module
​​Diversity, Identity and Social Justice ​ CDW5010 Module
​​Effective Midwifery Care and the Skilled Practitioner II​ MDW5008 Module
​​People, Power and Social Change​ CDW4011 Module
​​Placement 3: Managing a Youth and Community Project​  CDW6013 Module
​​Social Work Perspectives in Mental Health ​ SWK5011 Module
​​Strategic planning and service improvement​ HSC7013 Module
​​The profession of Physiotherapy​ PHY4101 Module

Lists linked to University of Bolton: Reading Lists Online

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